Sustainable Steam and Hot Water Generation
Eco-Friendly Alternatives for the Industrial Sector
All over the world, countries and people are confronted with the climate crisis.
The cause: global CO₂ emissions. In order to counteract the climate crisis, the European Union aims to be the first continent to become climate neutral by 2050.
For industry and energy-intensive sectors this means switching to more environmentally friendly technologies, since only alternatives to fossil fuels can help reduce CO₂-emissions. SCHNEIDER-KESSEL BERLIN helps you to find your personal, CO₂-neutral solution. Benefit from our experience in special boiler construction, where we will find individual and sustainable solutions for you.
To make the future greener and more ecological,
more industrial processes must be replaced with innovative and sustainable technologies.
Schneider-Kessel Berlin will find a sustainable solution for your individual problem.
Electric Boiler
“Power-to-Steam”, the Schneider Eelectric Steam Generator (type HDO-E) is an important component for the reduction of CO₂-emissions.
Waste Heat Boiler
The Schneider Waste Heat Boiler (type AHK and AHK-ip), is a resource-saving heat recovery system which can be installed within the narrowest spaces.